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Gudariak font普贤居精选英文字体


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Vicente Ballester Marco (Valencia 1887 – † 1980) was a graphic designer and Valencian posterist affiliated with the CNT who created political propaganda posters of clear modernist and post-cubist influence during the Spanish Civil War.

The Gudariak typeface is inspired mainly by one of the posters he made for the Government of Euskadi and also in others where the author continues to explore this particular typographic style.

The typography is available in 3 styles, the regular version and the cut (Txano) combinable by layers. Also a version in Color SVG with the original red and black colors of the poster. The lowercase are small caps.


COLOR SVG VERSION: https://defharo.com/fonts/gudariak-color/

关键词: sans-serif Open-Type OFL Latin-Extended-A historical Gudaria Euskalerria Euskadi block
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